Thursday, November 20, 2008

God's Miracle!

Hey everyone, this is Hal. First I would like to thank Sarah L. for being our communication guru last night. We really appreciate it. Mom and Drew are doing very well. As was said earlier, he came to us at 8lbs and 21 inches long. We are both extremely excited, but I must admit, we are a little tired also. Lindsay will give you the full story later, but here is the "Hal" version of last nights events. Lindsay was being a trooper from 2:30 to 10:30. She had her epidural but for some reason she was having some pretty strong pain on her left side. As the night went on, it would not go away. They topped off the epidural 3 times and gave her some more pain medication through the IV, but with no luck. Come to find out that Drew's head was turned and logged in her pelvis instead of being head down and chin to the chest. Come to find out that this was the reason that her left side was in such pain. Dr. Schroder said that the best thing was to take him by C section, so that is what we did. Again, Lindsay will give you the better details that I have. Again, we can't thank you guys enough for all the prayers over the last 24 hours. They were felt and we know that the Lord was here with us. We can't wait to see how the Lord uses this little one for His Will and Glory in the coming years. Here is the first of many pictures that we will be sharing with you guys!



Anonymous said...

Grandpa has a new quarterback for the HOGS!

Anonymous said...

Just want to congratulate you both.. Such a precious blessing..
God is amazing.......
Cassi Boyd

ayejessicayo said...

Yeah, writing isn't your chosen career (Sorry, Uncle Hal). I'm so excited to meet him; can't wait to hold his little bitty hands. It's crazy thinking about you as a dad, because I remember when you were in high school!! However, I'm glad you're a dad, becasuse I have a new baby cousin!! Congrats, congrats, congrats from the first born.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to both of you! Can't wait to see more pics of the newest little Bulldawg!