Friday, January 16, 2009

Random Friday

1. It seems like Drew has changed a lot this week! I am posting a video below. He has starting smiling a lot more, moving more, and making more sounds. He is also really started focusing on objects.

2. I have been homesick this week....talking to several good friends from Fayetteville this week and missing my mom and dad has caused me to really miss good ol' Fayetteville! I am also really needing some good Chinese food. I may eat at JD China every day when we go home in February.

3. There are two blogs that I am addicted to. I check them everyday. and

4. I am REALLY excited about the opportunity I have been given to be one of the speakers at a Women's Event at our church in February. I will be doing a session on prayer. I am intimidated by the topic since my prayers lately have been, "Please Lord let him sleep more than 2 hours straight tonight!" :) I have titled the seminar "Getting Past Shopping List Prayers: Growing in Your Conversations with God." (Thanks for the help w/ the title Sarah!)

5. In case I haven't mentioned it.....Hal has been absolutely AMAZING since Drew was born. Not that he wasn't great before, but he has been a huge help. I have also loved watching him with Drew. One day this week I called him at work and put the speaker phone on so he could talk to Drew and so that Hal could hear Drew cooing and squealing. You would have thought MSU won the National Championship (HA!) it made his day.


Kasey said...

Super cute! and I'll have to check out those sites.

Queen B said...

I can't believe I have to wait until April to see him!!!!! He is so precious and just perfect as can be!