Monday, January 12, 2009

Information Overload

I have decided that there are a million different books and methods on getting your baby to sleep through the night! I have had to force myself to stop reading anything else. One book or method contradicts another and some of the things they suggest just seem silly! I realize little man is only 7 weeks old and probably won't sleep through the night for no more reading for me! Instead of stressing over "methods," I have started praying harder for wisdom and discernment that what we are currently doing is the right thing!
We moved him to his crib on New Years Eve and we were both surprised how well he did. We have started a bedtime routine that usually starts with a bath. We then get him dried off and put his lavender lotion on him, swaddle him, and feed him while he listens to praise music. I usually feed him and Hal reads his Bible Story to him (thanks for the book Mrs. Julia...we love it!) After his bottle, we put him in his crib, pray for him, and let him sleep. He has been sleeping around 3 hours and then wakes up. I generally go in pat him and maybe give him his pacifier and then he sleeps another hour. Hopefully one of these days we can skip the middle of the night feeding!
Ready for bed!
He is always so calm in the pictures I post. Just so you know...he does cry! :)


the strykers said...

For what it's worth, Wyatt began sleeping through the night when he just turned 3 months old. I was also able to cut out my 11 pm feeding just after that. He now sleeps from 8:30 or 9 pm until 6 am. We tried the pacifier for awhile and it totally backfired! If you can get him to sleep without it, I would.
By the way, I love the crying photo!

Anonymous said...

These pictures are awesome. He got some great shots. I still can't tell who he looks like. Bill thinks he looks like Lindsay's dad. And you won't sleep through the night until he is out of your house and married (those teenage years are probably worse than the baby years).