Friday, July 22, 2011

Random Friday

1) I miss Random Fridays on my blog. It was a good way to get those random thoughts out. :)
2) I am so in trouble. Facebook is a horrible time eater and now I have found Pinterest. I must pray about the amount time I am allowed to spend on there. Seriously. Sooo many cute ideas!
3) My amazing man bought me a DSLR when we were in Fayetteville. Now I think I am a photographer. My poor children. I thought this one of B was pretty good!
4) Life seems to be settling into more of a routine for us. I realize that as soon as I post this, our routine will change. :) Brooks is eating and napping around the same time every day. He really is a great baby.
5) I have really worked hard on my house this week. I feel like I have used the "I have a new baby" excuse long enough. Actually, I am just tired of excuses. I have been thinking about the Proverbs 31 woman a lot lately. She worked from sun up to sun down. No excuses. No whining for "me time." She just served her family. Joyfully. This blog post has also been encouraging/convicting along these same lines. It is amazing what I can get done when I put the computer (Facebook and Pinterest included) away, turn off the TV, and just get up and start moving.
6) We are looking forward to a weekend where we have no set plans! July has been busy and I am looking forward to trying to make it to the Farmer's Market and whatever else we feel like doing.
7) I often wonder who besides my mother reads this. I blog so that I can remember. I have looked back at the first few months of Drew's life often lately, but I do wonder who else is reading. Maybe let me know if you do. :)


Kristy said...

I read it :)

The Rainer's said...

I read it too :), and enjoy reading your thoughts. I have stayed away from Pinterest because I know I would spend WAY too much time there... I see so many cute ideas found on Pinterest from the other blogs I read. You did take a great picture. Brooks is a cutie and I am happy for you all! Sometimes I wonder the same thing about readership, but my goal is more of an online journal about M and other random thoughts :). Love you girl and hope you are doing well, it seems that you are!

Queen B said...

I read it on occasion, I just do so very carefully. I still think of Drew as my nephew and this is the only way I get to see him. I thank you that I can still see him in some way :)

Anonymous said...

I check your blog a couple of times a week! I may not be great at keeping in touch, but I sure know how to stalk those I love!

Alisha said...

I read when I can. I too read that article and have been convicted a lot lately!

Mom Parnell said...

Here is your mom... just a few days behind. Thanks for the pictures and updates to read back over. Texting is great but can't read it back as well.

Malisa said...

I read it, and I love it! You are an inspiration to me!!!

the strykers said...

I read your blog! I think it's terrific and I'm enjoying all the Brooks updates. The only negative is that it reminds me how much I miss you guys. :)

Chip Hurst said...

I have never written to you but I so enjoy keeping up with you and your precious boys. I always check each week to see if you have posted anything new. It's a joy to read your thoughts about what's happening with you guys and you are a blessing in so many ways! God bless you all (and keep on blogging). Sending love and prayers your way, Chip Hurst

Erin B said...

I read it! I love hearing your stories...they are so like mine that it makes me feel like my life may actually be normal for the stage I'm in! ha!


Anonymous said...

I read it as much as I can! Jamie Pair