Friday, July 15, 2011

Brooks' Room

Poor Brooks...he is being treated like the typical second child. I had pictures of Drew's room up months before he was born. I still don't have everything how I want for B's room, but we are getting there.

His crib and canvases. My talented friend Shannon did these for us. I LOVED they way they turned out.
The life verse we picked for Brooks. I love having this over his bed and I pray it over him several times a day as I lay him down.
This is a special canvas we did so that we could remember Baby B and share it with Brooks one day. I was studying this passage in Isaiah the week we lost Baby B. These words comforted me as I struggled with the loss but was comforted by who God is at the same time.
Letters I did for Brooks like the ones Sarah had done for Drew. There is also a picture of Brooks' heart chambers with the a steady heartbeat at the bottom showing no arrithyma.
This plane and car were my dad's
This was the inspiration for Brooks' room. This hung in Hal's room when he was little.
These two pictures are family items as well. One was in Hal's in room and one was in Ed's. Notice the little stool at the left of the chest. Drew likes to watch me change B's diaper.
Mom made these curtains for me. We took curtains we had and added the orange fabric
His bookcase (notice a few State items did make it into his room)

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