Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Look who is sleeping in a big boy bed!! So proud of our little man. The transition was SO easy! After failing miserably at the attempt in March, we just set up his twin bed a few weeks ago and starting talking about it every day. Last Friday he napped in his bed and we tried it Friday night. He went to sleep fine, so we took the crib down on Saturday. I must admit, I am a little sad. :)


Alisha said...

I'm dreading the move to a big bed just because I don't want to admit Emmy is old enough to sleep in a big girl bed. :( I'm pretty sure she's the only one left still in a crib now! :( It was so good seeing you guys when you were in town!!

Rubies and Rewards said...

Alisha that is exactly how I felt and Drew LOVED his crib but he was honestly getting too big for it. I sold it yesterday on Craigslist and I thought I was going to cry as they drove away with it!

Loved getting to see you guys as well!