Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Look Who's Talking

Just a post for me to remember a few of the cute things he says!

Daddy is "dada"

Yes is "ah-hey."

"Tank you dada"

What you say, Momma _____ pease, ah-hey. We have worked with him on saying please when he asks for something. So now, he says the whole setence by himself and often answers himself.

When he walks into a room: "Hey evybody" or "Hi Friends"

McDonald's, Chick Fil A, or Sonic are "Apple"

"Dada help pease"

Computer is "cuter"

Milk is "milKKKKK" with a very heavy emphasis on the K!

He is suddenly into the Wiggles again. We often refer to purple things as "Jeff Wiggle" who is the Purple Wiggle or red things as "Murray Wiggle."

He tries to recite "This Little Piggy" I don't understand the first four fingers except for somewhere along the way he says "7,8,9" and then for the last piggy he says, "Wee Wee Wee, All Way Home."

Music is "susic"

Brooks is "books" or "bebe brudder"

He says "Maw Maw and Paw Paw." He usually still says "Pee Pee" and
Grammy is "ramme"

Ed and his crew are: "Jess, Masin (Madison), Unky (Ed), and Nay Nay (Shannon).

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