Monday, June 14, 2010

Return of Random Friday on a Monday

1) I felt like sharing a few random things I am taking over Random Friday on Monday.
2) It has been crazy hot here the last week or so. I mean crazy hot. Last Friday Drew and I went to Target after his nap and I am pretty sure I looked like I had just taken a shower when I got out of the car. Black leather seats and black interior, not a good idea in the southern summer heat! I must admit that a little Florida breeze would be nice in the afternoon. But my wonderful Hal, worked in the garage yesterday so I could get the car in. At least it will be cooler when we get in the car to leave!
3) We visited a new church yesterday and Drew didn't do so well so they had to page me (more on that to come) we were walking around the church and found the bookstore/library. I thought that might entertain him for a while, so we are looking at books and a man came up to greet us. He says, "Where did he (Drew) get all that curly blonde hair?" I wanted to cry!!! I LOVE his blonde curls, but that is about the 4th person who has said something to be along the same lines. I need to face the reality that my hair isn't blonde anymore and either dye it back blonde or embrace my "strawberry blonde" as everyone calls it.
4) We are really praying for our little man and childcare at church. This is the 2nd Sunday in a row he hasn't done well and VBS didn't go so great last week either. I know it is a phase, but after being out of church for several months we are desperately ready to get back and we want to be able to leave him and know that he will be okay. Please pray for security for him and for wisdom for Hal and I as we choose a church and a preschool ministry for Drew.
5) Speaking of Drew, he is talking up a storm! I hear him say new words every day...yesterday it was apple. Last week as we were driving in the car and listening to one of his Bible CD's, he made me smile. The song about Zaccheus (sorry for the bad spelling) was playing and he started saying the words. For example it says, Zaccheus you come down for I am going to your house today. He would say "down" every time in the song.
6) The 2nd week of swimming lessons went MUCH better than the first. Hoping they get better every week.
7) I am re-reading Elisabeth Elliot's "Let me Be a Woman." I have been so challenged by it the past week. I need to write a post in the next few days about it...somebody remind me if I forget.
8) Mom and Dad are coming down on Wednesday. Originally it was Friday, then Thursday, now Wednesday. I expect to see them tomorrow. Drew and I will go back with them early next week.

Have a great week!


Leslie said...

Hi Lindsay and Hal- LOVED the video, how cute. Hope he gets adjusted soon and calms down a bit. Lindsay- have you read the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers? They are excellent. The first of three is called A Voice in the Wind. Let me know if you end up reading it.

Mom Parnell said...

See you Wed afternoon.....

the strykers said...

I wouldn't worry to much about childcare at church. (I know.. easier said than done) Wyatt always had a tough time anytime we transitioned him into a new class with new teachers. At our church, they move up every 6 months so we've had several changes. It always took a few weeks, then he'd be happy as a clam. Drew seems good natured and able to adjust to changes (moving, etc.) so I think he'll do just fine.:-)