Saturday, June 12, 2010


I hate to overdo the "I am so glad to be close to family posts," but I am so glad to be close to family! What a treat it was for us today to be able to run down to Laurel and back. We are used to family visits being planned weeks or months in advance and they required plane tickets or LONG car rides. I love being able to hop in the car and go. Hal needed to help out in the yard and Drew and I got to spend time with Maw Maw and Paw Paw and pick blueberries from the bushes in the front yard. Hal's dad is doing great! He has handled all of his treatment so well.
This is about the best picture I was able to get. I couldn't set my bucket down for long or someone attacked it.

Friday night we got him this water table for the back patio and it was a hit! I wanted something that he could play with on the patio to keep him out of the sun but that would be cool on a hot afternoon. Little man is a lot like his momma and does not handle the heat well. His poor little face gets so red and he breaks out in a awful heat rash. We have discovered over the last few weeks that he can't wear anything with polyester in it while it is so hot. He had an awful rash all over his chest and back but seems to be better since we switched to 100% shirts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blueberries for pancakes, muffins, or just by the handful!! Wish I was there to enjoy them with Drew!! Love, Aunt K