Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Attack of the Texas Fire Ants

Yesterday I went for a walk/run in the morning. I am trying to be more disciplined in exercising each day. As I walked up the driveway I noticed that I my front flower bed could use some attention. So, I put on my garden gloves, turned up my IPod and started pulling weeds. About half way through the flower bed, I looked down to find my white running shoes covered in fire ants. I have had a couple of encounters with ants this summer so I knew that this could be trouble. In a clumsy ballerina like move, I danced around the yard on one leg while trying to untie my shoe and get my sock off as quickly as possible. I manged to get both the sock and the shoe off, but not before two of those little red devils stung my ankle. By the time Hal and I headed downtown for an Astro's game last night, the swelling had already begun. My left ankle now looks about three times the size of my right ankle! Quit attractive, let me tell you. So I am headed to the doctor this afternoon to see if they can help. Hal and I leave for England on Saturday and prefer not to have an ankle the size of Texas! (sorry for the bad Texas joke) So, why am I telling you this? Mainly for my college seems I have a habit of insects biting me. They will remember Velma 1 and Velma 2. Insect bites that caused us a few laughs. Anyway....have a great day and stay away from fire ants!


Mom Parnell said...

You must share the pictures!!

Rubies and Rewards said...

No way...I don't want to scare anyone!