Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Just Me

No cute pics of my little man today. Just a few thoughts.

-I miss blogging as much as I used to. I see it as a scrapbook for our family. I have looked back at the posts from my pregnancy with Drew several times to help me remember things and I am sure I will do the same thing in the months to come. The truth is I just haven't taken the time. If I am on my computer these days it is usually for work and I am usually too tired to pull it out after Drew goes to bed to blog. I am resolving to post more. I want to remember the weeks to come and I want Brooks to feel that I blogged just as much about him! :)
- I am 28 weeks 2 days. Brooks is a little over 3 lbs. or about the size of a small cabbage. Because of Brooks' arrithyma, I am already seeing my doctor every other week. At our appointment last Tuesday, Dr. Meek listened to his heart for some time and didn't hear the arrithyma and then at the very end she did, but it did sound better! My belly has really grown in the last few weeks. It is starting to become difficult to bend over and pick up toys or lift Drew. Other than normal pregnancy woes, I am feeling great and can't believe how quickly May is approaching.
-Drew is changing so fast. It seems as though I have waited FOREVER for him to really start talking and now I hear something new everyday. Is really starting to put things together and cracks us up often. One of his favorite things lately is to do "This Little Piggy" on his fingers. You can't really understand much until you get to the end and he says, "Wee Wee Wee All the Way Home." I think we laugh everytime he does it. Of course it isn't all laughter, we have our fair share of frustrating moments because I don't understand what he is saying or because he doesn't get what he wants. Hal and I are praying for wisdom and consistency in disciplining him. Several friends have given me the advice to really soak up and enjoy my time with Drew over the next few weeks. I am trying to make sure I make an effort every day to spend a little more time than usual reading books, playing with blocks, doing puzzles, or tickling him just to hear his sweet laugh.
-I wasn't able to get the spell checker to work, so please forgive the spelling errors. :)
-Grammy, I will post a cute picture of Drew later in the week.

1 comment:

Mom Parnell said...

I will remind you that I need a picture of my little music man.