Sunday, February 07, 2010


We have had a slow weekend and it has been great! This is our last weekend when we will just be here at the house. We will spend part of next weekend at Disney. We spent yesterday running a few errands, had an open house today, and tonight we are watching the Super Bowl here at home. I had hoped to go down to the beach sometime this weekend, but the weather wasn't that great.

Drew loves glasses. He tries and tries to get them on himself and then signs "please" for us to help him.

This week he has discovered that he can climb behind the shelf beside the TV. He things he is pretty funny. I think it looks like he standing behind a lemonade stand! :) Notice the drool on his chest. Poor kid is ALMOST done with teeth until his 2yr molars if we can just get these last two in!


Mom Parnell said...

Oh how I miss this little guy! But am so thankful for modern technology. Sure glad I don't have to wait for photos to be developed and mailed to me...

Mom Parnell said...

I see the teeth in the photo with the sunglasses....