Friday, January 01, 2010

New Experience for New Years Eve

Our poor little man has been pretty sickly the last few days. I took this picture after his bath tonight...we can't keep his poor little nose dry! He started getting a cough on Tuesday night that sounded pretty nasty by Wednesday. I went ahead and took him to the doctor on Thursday morning because I didn't want to go into the holiday weekend not knowing if we had an ear infection or something else. The doctor said everything looked good and it was probably just a cold, but we ended up taking him the ER on Thursday night/New Year's Eve. I had checked his temp shortly after Hal got home from work and it was fine, but by around 6:00 it had shot up to 103. The on call nurse told us to take him to the ER since it was a holiday weekend and he couldn't see his doctor until Monday morning. She didn't like that it had risen so fast. We were able to get in pretty quickly. They checked his ears which looked fine and did a chest xray to make sure it wasn't pneumonia as well as a culture to see if he had RSV. His chest looked okay, but he does have RSV which is a respiratory virus. He has been better today and his fever is still up but not what it was last night! We are praying for a good night's sleep tonight!

We spent the day playing with little man and watching football. It looks like we will be doing the same for Hal's birthday tomorrow!

Happy New Year!!


Alisha said...

Poor guy! I feel for you too... how scary!

Mom Parnell said...

Maybe he needs his Grammy to come read him a story...

Queen B said...

LOL your mama is priceless. She knows whatDrew needs! Bless his littleheart, I know Jess was upset he felt so bad last night.