Thursday, September 24, 2009

Favorite Pics from our week in Fayetteville #1

I thought I would just do a quick post about our trip to Fayetteville and just put up my favorite pictures...but that turned out to be WAY to many!  Here are the first bunch!  (Rachel- this should satisfy your Drew fix for a few days. :))

My big boy in his new jeans on mom's stairs.

Lovin on Grammy...
First football game on Friday night.  Uncle Lance's team got a win!
He wasn't scared of the Cassville mascot at all.  He actually let her hold him!

Dinner with Aunt Sarah on Monday
First Haircut...we just trimmed over his ears and shaped up the back.

Drew with his Great Maw Maw

Hal and I at the Hog game on Saturday....yay for a date night!!!


Kim Stroh said...

Looks like you guys had such a great time!! I am so glad you got to go!

Mom Parnell said...

Love the pics.... Grandpa wants to see more of him and Drew....