Sunday, October 08, 2006

Top 5 Things we miss about Fayetteville

Even though we are settling in her in Houston and learning our way around....We talk about Fayetteville often. Here are just a few things we miss!

5. Loafin Joe's, Slim Chickens, Marketplace, Chuck's a.ka. Charlie's Chicken, Rick's Bakery, Tim's Pizza, Penguin Ed's, Hugo's......need we say more?
4. Fall...that's right fall. The way that it feels when the air gets cooler and looking at the hills around town when the leaves start to change. We expect you to take pictures and send to us!
3. Knowing where we are going....and getting anywhere around town in 10 minutes or less.
2. Getting to call the Hogs in person. We all know Hal doesn't call the Hogs...but he does miss being at Razorback Stadium on Saturday.
1. Not to be sappy...but we must say our friends, family, and church family.

Of course there are great things about Houston as well...look for those to come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found your blog! Your didn't post that you miss Cassville Football though...or Kennedy falling asleep in your lap at a game...because I know that has to rate in the top ten!

Take Care! You are in our thoughts and prayers often!
