Thursday, May 02, 2013

Swim Lessons

Ugh ... I so hate that I haven't kept this blog up and I am so going to renew my energy to try again!  The reality that Brooks is turning two a week from today has been even more aware of how precious these days are and how fast they go.

Last week we had a week of swim lessons.  This was Drew's second week with Miss Glendy.  The lessons in August were rough and the first few days this past week were not easy either.  Drew is like his momma and can get himself so worked up before facing anything he is even a little afraid of.  Miss Glendy was so patient yet firm with him and by Wednesday of last week he was jumping in and swimming across the pool!  It was so encouraging for me as a mom to see the rewards of helping him push through something that scared him and overcoming it. We also prayed and prayed and prayed last week and then praised and praised and praised for the way God brought us through!

Brooks on the other hand, wasn't interested in doing anything but floating!  He refused to kick his arms and legs and actually floated for over 4 minutes on his own! That is SO his personality ... he isn't going to do anything that you try to force him to!  One day, I will appreciate that trait, but right now it is rough.


Rachel Holliday said...

Brooks sounds just like's a little bit scary, isn't it? :) WAY TO GO, Drew!!!

Mom Parnell said...

So looking forward to swim time when you come to NWA,