Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Around the House

So, we have attempted to work on potty training the last few weeks. (Yes, I do realize that he is wearing his pants in this picture) I am not sure he is completely ready, but I thought I would give it a try this month and if he doesn't pick it up, we will just wait until after Brooks arrives.

You would not believe how much these stickers have kept this boy entertained lately! Granted, I have stickers ALL over my house, but he is doing better about keeping them on this paper I put up for him.
Here is the next Bobby Flay! Hal's parents had these chef hats and aprons for the girls and we ended up with one. I wish you could see the red oven mit that is on his left hand. We must keep it on at all times if we are wearing the hat and the apron.

Here is a pic for my momma. This was taken on January 30th, so I would have been 23 weeks. I am 24 weeks and a few days today and I KNOW I am bigger than I was in this picture.

We did have to see a Maternal Medicine Specialist for Brooks last week to do a Level II Ultrasound. At our January appointment, they detected an arrithyma in Brooks' heart. We saw the specialist last Thursday and he gave us the encouraging news, that it isn't something we should be worried about at this point. We will continue to make sure that his heart rate stays in the normal range. If it gets out of that range, then they would be concerned. He also told us that Brooks was measuring large. He measured almost 2 weeks larger than my due date. I will be interested to see what my regular doctor says about that next week when I go in for my normal appointment. We will see if Little Mister might be arriving before May 29th.


Mom Parnell said...

Thanks so much for this posting and the picture of you that I asked for. And I love the little man behind you in that picture. I would love to know what he was saying to you.

Mom Parnell said...

I also like the new background to the blog.

Kristy said...

Don't stress potty training, it will just click one day and you will be done! We have the Thomas sticker book, big favorite at our house :) You look great! Are we ever going to be in NWA at the same time? :)