Friday, July 18, 2008


As I was watching Drew on the ultrasound screen, I couldn't help but think what I am pretty sure a lot of moms have thought before, I realize it isn't an original thought! I kept thinking...."how in the world can anyone look at that screen and not believe in God?" I just can't imagine not believing in the one and only creator God. I mean something like that can't just happen out of nowhere....and it doesn't evolve. It could only come about by the all knowing, all wise, creator God. He is the only one that can make something out of nothing....just as He did when He created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it.

I realize that I write this from a bias perspective because I do believe and I know God personally, and it breaks my heart to think about another mother lying there and looking at that screen and not seeing the workmanship of God as they look at their child. It gives me a new way to pray for those around me and more importantly, it drives me to my knees in thanksgiving that I do believe and that I do have a relationship with the creator God. Sometimes, I think I can take that for HUGE that really is. Actually, it is everything.

Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

Mom Parnell said...

I am glad you wish to share your faith in our AWESOME CREATOR! Looking at His natural creation is awe inspiring, but looking at one of His children is even more special. Something we may take for granted until it happens to us. We also were amazed at the pictures of Drew.