Friday, May 16, 2008

Gators and Cravings

I have been obsessed with alligators since we moved here. Weird, I know. Every time we pass a retention pond or any body of water I am looking to see if there is a gator anywhere. No luck so far, but last night we came close. I had a long day of unpacking and didn't feel like cooking so we went for pizza and on the side of the road we saw several police cars and a wildlife truck. We could see them with a huge black tarp and then realized they were throwing it over a gator. It was close, but I didn't actually see the gator. Maybe next time.

I haven't had the cravings yet where you want to mix random things together and eat them, but I have definitely had cravings since the nausea has been getting better. The funny thing is that I have been craving things I can't necessarily get! I have been craving my mom's potato salad. I tried to make it but, it didn't turn out like hers. She will be here the first week of June...I am pretty sure I can get some then. :) I have also been craving JD China from Fayetteville. No body makes Chinese food like Mrs. Jennifer....I tried some here, but it just wasn't as good. The other major craving has been for a Canadian Bacon sandwich with Ranch dressing and mozzarella cheese like my Uncle David used to make at his pizza place. mouth is watering. Maybe it is good that I am craving things I can't get my hands on, but I sure wish I could!!!

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