Thursday, March 06, 2008

Breakdown in the car car didn't break down. I had a break down in my car. I had just walked out of a doctor's office and felt silly, stupid, and frustrated. For a few days preceding my trip to the doctor, I had been having tingling and numbness in the back of my head. Sometimes I think I am a border line hypochondriac (ask my mother about my numerous trips to the elementary school nurse) so of course it freaked me out. Hal was out of town, so I went ahead and made an appointment to see the doctor. I explained my symptoms, he asked if there was any other stress in my life......after that question, I knew what was coming. I explained to him that we were in the process of getting our house on the market and relocating. He then said that he felt that the numbness was due to anxiety. I was relieved on one hand and on the other I was somewhat angry at myself and embarrassed. I quickly made my way back out to my car, called Hal and told him, and then I sat in my car and cried. I began asking God to forgive me for my lack of faith and trust in His provision. I don't have to know necessarily how and when all the details of our move, the sale of the house, and finding a new house will take place. It probably won't work out the way I want it to or the way I would do it, BUT it will work out exactly the way God planned it and it will be for mine and Hal's ultimate good. That good may not be us making a big profit on our house, that good may be sitting in my car that day and recognizing that the God of the universe is in control and not me.
The two weeks since the breakdown in the car have been better, but not without challenges. Our house has been on the market over two weeks and it hasn't shown yet, the temptation to freak out is there, but God is so gracious. He has calmed my anxious fears and reminds me to make the choice to trust in Him. He also reminds me of His provision for us. It's a daily battle...and sometimes it is minute by minute battle, but I want to chose to trust Him.

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