Monday, April 30, 2007

New York

Hal and I spent our first anniversary in New York city. We were so glad to be away from our laptops and blackberries for 6 days! We headed to the Bronx for a Yankees game on Wednesday night. Thursday night we ate at Bobby Flay's restaurant Mesa Grill. Friday we found a restaurant, Max Brenner's, that specializes in chocolate! The rest of the time we spent walking around the city, navigating the subways, and of course SHOPPING!

This past year has gone by so fast! It seems like just a few weeks ago that we were headed to Houston after the wedding and honeymoon. We have had an amazing first year. God has been so gracious to us in so many ways. He has been particularly gracious when it comes to my job situation and allowing me to work from home. Working from home allows me to hop on a plane with Hal and be with him wherever he is(this week we are in Atlanta.) His travel schedule has been 100% crazy over the past year and our first year of marriage would have been tough if I wasn't able to go with him. God has also been gracious by allowing us to be in Houston. Some of you may be surprised that I am saying that, but it has been a blessing start out on our own. We have had to depend on each other fully since we are both 8 hours from home. Although getting settled in a new place has been and still is difficult, we know that it was and is God's best for us as we continue to go closer to each other and closer to the Lord. As we face the next year of marriage, we ask that you continue to pray the verse we used at our wedding for us. "Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying This is the way walk in it." Isaiah 30:21